I’m sure you’ve heard the old cliché, “Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual.”  

But what if that was wrong?

What if I told you that there were pieces of spiritual technology that allowed you to take a peek at your soul contract in order to confirm who you are, why you are here on this planet, what lessons you are here to learn, and what gifts you are here to share? 

Luckily there are. Our astrological natal chart, our Human Design Body Graph, and our Gene Key’s Hologenetic Profile are those spiritual technologies, and combining those systems together to understand the instructional manual for YOU is a practice I call Birth Chart Alchemy.

My name is Jaclyn Michelle, and I deeply believe in radically compassionate self-inquiry.

As a Birth Chart Alchemist, I use the languages of Astrology, Human Design, and the Gene Keys to act as a catalyst, igniting your ability to do the inner work needed to shift your outer world.

Every single person on earth, as psychology and sociology suggest, is a unique combination of nature and nurture, traits that we’re born possessing (nature) and traits we’re conditioned to adopt based on external influences such as our families, friends, teachers and members of our community (nurture).

Our birth charts are concerned with the nature aspect of this equation, the WHY of it all, and provides a map of who you are and what you’re here to do during this incarnation based on your date, time, and place of birth. 

Unfortunately, most people stop there, neglecting to excavate the nurture, the stories we've been inundated with since the moment we left the womb about who we're supposed to be and how we're supposed to be. And these stories become the fertile soil that feeds our limiting beliefs, germinates self-sabotaging behaviors, and grows our tendency to outsource our decision-making.

Getting a birth chart reading and having the most authentic parts of yourself lovingly reflected back to you can be super powerful and affirming, BUT the most important work happens AFTER the reading.

The most important work puts into action a HOW

In order for the highest expressions of our nature to thrive, we need to tend to how we've been nurtured as well.

Luckily, your birth charts provide so much support re: the HOW if you know where to look and what to do with what you find. 

Our birth charts can be the most powerful tools for lasting personal transformational change when we shift our perspective from being to doing.

By gaining insight into who we are at our deepest, most authentic levels, we can start to identify limiting beliefs and damaging ways of being in order to release them and find our way back to the purest versions of ourselves. And when we move those epiphanies from the brain (being) into the body (doing), that's when the magic happens.

When we change our relationship with ourselves, the world around us changes, too.

This is the work we do in the karmic studies | elevator.

Within the karmic studies | elevator you will receive:

  • access to the karmic studies | elevator home on Teachable, an extensive, exhaustive, and easy-to-navigate bank of in-depth video explorations and downloadable resources created to help you unpack your unique placements, updated weekly and with reflective guides customized for you and your chart. Topics explored include:
  • Human Design & the Gene Keys: open centers, closed centers, all types & strategies, the nine authorities, the five definitions, every incarnation cross, all twelve profiles, all 36 channels, all 64 gates/gene keys, the six lines, line distribution, the planets, annual Solar Transits, the Global Cycles and the coming transition to the New Paradigm in 2027
  • Astrology: the planets, the zodiac signs, the houses, how to pull and interpret your natal vs. gestational astrological birth charts
  • access to 60-minute live small Group Integration Sessions peopled with a community of fellow seekers dedicated to living the gifts of their chart in order to build a New Paradigm with those values as the bedrock

There are three different ways to join our community. Which one is right for you?

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm new to Human Design/the Gene Keys/Astrology. Can I still join the karmic studies | elevator?

YES! Absolutely! In fact, there is a section of the program designed specifically to anchor folks in the core elements of their chart before we move on to the more complex aspects. I want to arm you with the knowledge you need about Human Design AND about your own chart to get the most out of your time in the elevator.

When does the karmic studies | elevator begin? When does it end?

The program starts the day you enroll and ends either when you decide to cancel your membership. (If you cancel your membership, the program ends on the last date covered by your final payment).

Self-inquiry and shadow work require an investment of focus and breath and space and time to be done in a way that’s effective. (In both Human Design and the Gene Keys, this process is said to take 7+ years, but I feel that true alignment is a process we dedicate a lifetime to...slow and steady leads to lasting impact!).

This program is NOT 7+ years long LOL

That said, the goal of the karmic studies | elevator isn’t just to learn the systems or understand yourself in a deeper way through the lens of your birth charts, although both will happen :) The goal is to truly make fundamental lasting shifts in the way we show up for ourselves and each other, and I can’t guarantee that impact within a super short timeframe. It's entirely up to you how long you join us, but I would recommend intending to commit for at least three-six months to allow for what you discover in this community container to move from your brain to your body.

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

I absolutely want you to be a happy and satisfied member of the karmic studies community! That's why membership is billed month-to-month :)

That way, you can experience the community for a full month and you'll have the option of canceling and exiting the community if you find we're not the best fit for you.

However, you will not be refunded for the time you had access to the community, to Jaclyn Michelle, and to the banks of resources.